To allow the editor user role to have full access to Gravity Forms, simply add this code to your functions.php...
Add this code to your functions.php file to add the dimensions to the image object array for svgs. add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_src',...
A quick snipped of code filter parameters into YouTube oEmbed requests. Handy to remove suggested videos, YouTube contols and info....
For me, the ACF plugin is a standard install for every WordPress project. Its a great tool for developers to...
Fed up of getting the W3 Validator warning "The type attribute is unnecessary..."? Here is a handy bit of code to...
A nice solution for a custom WordPress Ajax login form without using a plugin. Place this anywhere you would like...
A quick way to remove empty p tags from custom shortcodes in Wordpress. <?php add_filter("the_content", "the_content_filter"); function the_content_filter($content) { $block...
I came across this when looking for a purpose built, fully customisable calendar - Im just starting to work with...
A quick way to manually disable the WordPress emojicons code without needing a plugin. Pop this in your functions.php file:...
Here is a really simple way to create custom tabs for your WooCommerce builds using the ACF Repeater Field. First,...
This snippet of PHP can come in handy for removing the empty spaces in a string. Here is it being...
A recent freelance project has given me a chance to work with the Vebra and Dezrez API’s to create a...